The Embassy of Italy informs that all residence permits expiring after the 31st of January 2020 were extended until the 31st of August 2020 pursuant to article 103 paragraph 2-quater of Decree-Law March 17, 2020 n. 18 (so-called Cura Italia), converted into Law 27 of 24 April 2020, as amended.
1) Direct flight from Beirut to Italy:
You DO NOT need a re-entry visa
2) Connecting flight from Beirut in a Schengen State:
YOU DO NEED a re-entry visa .
3) Connnecting flight from Beirut in an extra-Schengen State:
YOU DO NOT need a re-entry visa but a consular note will be issued upon request (by email)
However, those who have already asked for the renewal of their resident permit and hold the “Receipt” are kindly invited to address their matter directly to the competent Questura.
All travelers are kindly requested to check the updates of the relevant legislation adopted by the Italian Government on entry to Italy: