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Reintroduction of the national visa for family reasons

We inform applicants that starting from 1 June 2024, foreign family members of Italian/EU citizens who travel to Italy for the purposes of family reunification will be issued free of charge a national visa (D) for family reasons, if the requirements are met.

Requirements and conditions:

  • Pursuant to art. 2, Legislative Decree 30/2007, family members who have the right to family reunification are exclusively:
  1. the spouse;
  2. the partner who has contracted a registered union with the Italian/EU citizen on the basis of the legislation of a Member State;
  3. direct descendants under the age of 21 or dependents and those of the spouse or partner referred to in number 2;
  4. dependent direct ascendants and those of the spouse or partner referred to in number 2.


  • letter of invitation from the Italian/EU citizen which shows the intention to exercise the right to family unity, accompanied by a valid identity document;
  • documentation, translated and legalized, certifying the status of family member or marriage/civil union deed transcribed in Italy;
  • in cases where the assessment of the “dependency” is envisaged: demonstration of economic remittances by the Italian/EU citizen. The economic support must be of a structural nature and must allow the beneficiary to meet his essential needs.

Please also note that, within 8 days of entering Italy, the above-mentioned family members must apply for a residence permit for “family reasons”, completing the appropriate kit at the Post Offices.

Where, however, the aforementioned family members accompany or join the Italian/EU citizen for a period of less than 3 months, a short-stay Schengen visa (VSU) for tourism/visit to a family member will continue to be issued (free of charge).

Other family members (including siblings) who accompany or join the Italian/EU citizen for periods of less than 3 months will be issued a short-stay visa (VSU) for tourism/family visit, if the requirements are met. These visa applications will be treated and examined as ordinary tourist visa requests, also evaluating the real intentions and purposes of the trip.

Applications should be submitted to the “TLScontact” Company in Downtown, Martyr’s Square, Opera Building, ground floor Beirut, Lebanon. It is possible to make an appointment directly on the website .