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Cities and Ports: Challenges towards a sustainable environment


A workshop on the impact of ports’ activities on neighbouring areas and on managing their environmental sustainability took place today in Tripoli. The workshop was organised by AL Manar University of Tripoli and the Exploitation Office of the Port of Tripoli, along with the Urban Community of AL FAYHAA and in collaboration with the University of Genova (Italy), La Spezia Port Authority (Italy), the Physical Oceanography Marine Science Station in Aqaba (Jordan), and the Municipal Enterprise for Planning & Development of Patras (Greece). The workshop is the closing event of a project supported by the multilateral cross-border cooperation “Mediterranean Sea Basin Programme” which is part of the new European Neighbourhood Policy.

The workshop was hosted by Marius BAAINI, President of the Order of Engineers & Architects in Tripoli with the participation of Federica Mazzotta in representation of the Italian Embassy in Lebanon, Corrado SCHENONE, Coordinator of the project, Sami MENKARA, President of
AlManar University of Tripoli, Mahmoud Salhab, Member of the Board of Directors in Port of Tripoli, Amer RAFEI, President of the Urban Community Al Fayhaa and Mayor of Tripoli, Abdel Hafiz AL KAISSI, Director General of Land & Maritime Transport.