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Partnership for knowledge – Call for PhD fellowships is now open

The preliminary phase of the initiative of the Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) “Partnership for knowledge” – AID 11374 –  dedicated to contacts with Italian universities is finalized and the implementation of the operational phase started. The project intends to create high training and research opportunities dedicated to young people and, in parallel, to provide the Italian Cooperation with a tool to strengthen dialogue with the Italian university system.

The programme, funded in years 2019-2022 by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation in partnership with several Italian universities, offers a total of  99 scholarships, among which 73 Master of Science scholarships and 26 PhD fellowships in the following thematic domains, grouped in four academic platforms:

1. Rural development and Spatial management
2. Health, Water, Sanitation and Hygiene – W.A.S.H.
3. Sustainable energy, Environment and Industrial innovation
4. Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism

Particularly, for Lebanon, Jordan, Cuba and El Salvador a total of 26 scholarships is assigned, among which 21 Master of Science scholarships and 5 PhD fellowships in the Cultural Heritage and Sustainable Tourism field, within the following Italian Universities:

  • University of Rome “La Sapienza” (leading university)
  • University of Bologna
  • University of Florence
  • University of Rome III
  • University of Naples “Orientale”
  • University of Pisa
  • University of Turin
  • University of Cagliari
  • Polytechnic University of Milan
  • Polytechnic University of Turin
  • University of Milan
  • University of Salerno

English is the teaching language of all academic programs.

Partnership for knowledge is primarily addressed to public administration officers, researchers and young leaders. Candidates should:

• be citizens of an eligible partner country;
• hold a MSc degree in order to apply for a PhD program;
• have a 2-year working experience in the field of the selected course (recommended);
• meet the language requirements.

Scholarships cover international travel expenses, health insurance, university fees and visa related costs. PhD fellows will also receive a monthly allowance for living expenses. Scholarships will cover a time span of 36 months for PhD programs.

The call for the Partnership for knowledge PhD is open from 1 until 30 April 2019. Applications must be submitted no later than 30 April 2019.

Each candidate must submit his application directly to the university that joined the initiative and inform the Agency of his application by filling the AICS notification form in the selected platform page.

For more information and details, click here.