On May 22, the Ambassador of Italy to Lebanon, Nicoletta Bombardiere, and the Director of United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) Affairs in Lebanon, Dr. Dorothee Klaus, signed a one year agreement for an additional contribution of EUR 2 million to support the most vulnerable Palestine Refugees in Lebanon, in particular persons with disabilities, whose dire situation and difficult access to services was further compounded by the socio-economic crisis hitting Lebanon since 2019.
This additional vital funding will enable UNRWA to continue the provision of inclusive education services to Palestinian Refugees children, in particular children with disabilities. It will also strengthen UNRWA holistic approach on disability inclusion through the provision of cash assistance and enhanced access to mobility and assistive devices.
Dr. Klaus said: “UNRWA welcomes all students within its own schools and acknowledges their diversity in ways of learning. It is committed to removing obstacles to the effective inclusion of students with disabilities. With this grant from the Italian government, UNRWA will be able to better identify children with disabilities and provide them and our teachers with the necessary support to create an inclusive learning and teaching environment.
Ambassador Bombardiere said: Italy’s support to Lebanon has been constantly focusing on strengthening the resilience of the most vulnerable, in particular children and persons with disabilities. With this new contribution, Italy reaffirms its support to UNRWA’s work in providing crucial services for Palestinian refugees at risk, such as access to inclusive education, child protection and multipurpose cash assistance.
Director of Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS), Ms. Alessandra Piermattei said: we are glad to strengthen and renew the partnership between the Italian Cooperation and UNRWA with the objective to support the most vulnerable Palestinian refugees in Lebanon with adequate means and environment to learn, develop and become an active part of a more equitable society.
Italy has long been one of the Agency’s most reliable donors. In 2022, Italy’s overall contribution to UNRWA amounted to EUR 14 million, including EUR 7 million for the Agency’s core programmes and services. Italy continuous support is of critical importance in view of the particularly dramatic conditions in which the Palestine Refugees in Lebanon are living.