The Consular Chancellery of the Italian Embassy in Beirut does not accept the intermediation of third parties with regard to the practices to be submitted to its offices.
For translation/legalization practices, if the holder of the Lebanese documentation is unable to appear in person, he/she may delegate a third person in his/her place.
To this end, the delegate must present:
- Specific delegation/power of attorney prepared by the delegating holder of the Lebanese documents, in which the personal details of the delegated person (personal data) must be reported together with the details of the latter’s identity document;
- His/her own valid identity document. If the person is a Lebanese citizen permanently resident in Italy, holder of a residence permit, a copy of the Italian residence permit and a copy of the identity card issued by the competent Italian Municipality.
The Italian Embassy in Beirut is not responsible for the service provided by official translators nor for the fees they charge.
For visas, all people residing in Lebanon and Syria that need a VISA to travel to Italy have to submit their application at TLS contact office in Martyrs’ Square, Beirut, upon appointment.
It must be noted that the grant or refusal of the visa is at the sole discretion of the Embassy and TLS contact is not involved in any way in the process. Anyone claiming to facilitate granting the visa or fastening the process through alleged connections with TLS or with the Embassy is lying and committing a fraud.
The visa fees, the service fee and cost of the added value services are specified on TLS website. Please be aware that the use of these optional services does NOT entitle to obtain a visa nor to fasten the processing of your file by the Embassy.