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Tax ID code (Codice fiscale)

In Italy, the Administration responsible for issuing tax codes is the Agenzie delle Entrate (The Income Revenue Agency).

Italians registered in AIRE in the consular district of this Italian Embassy Beirut can directly download the tax code attribution certificate (Codice fiscal) via the Fast It Portal.


  1. Access the Fast It Portal;
  2. Click on “Consular Register and AIRE” and then on “Assignment of Tax Code”;
  3. Confirm the data and start the request;
  4. Download the Tax Code attribution certificate yourself.

If you are unable to download the Tax Code attribution certificate (codice fiscale):

  1. Register on the FAST IT portal, or log in if you already have an active account;
  2. Request the “Online Association” by clicking on “Consular and AIRE Registry” and then on “View your personal data sheet”;
  3. Within 2 working days, you will receive the message confirming the association in your inbox.
  4. Log in to the portal again and download the certificate.

The foreigner who needs the tax code can request it by appointment booked on prenot@mi online platform  at the Italian Embassy in Beirut presenting the following documents:

  1. residence certificate issued by the “Mokhtar” area representative of the local Ministry of the Interior, duly translated into Italian;
  2. application form for the Tax Code completed in all its parts and signed. The application can be downloaded by clicking here.
  3. passport and copy of the first 5 pages.

Married women, even if they acquire the spouse’s surname, must always indicate the maiden name.

If you require the tax ID code for any economic or administrative activity, it is necessary to also submit all the documentation proving the need of a “codice fiscale”.

Foreign students enrolled at the University in Italy need to present, in addition to the above, also a copy of the admission or enrollment letter to the University.

Note: To enroll at the University it is necessary to have a certificate of the tax code stamped by the Diplomatic / Consular Authority, in which case the interested party must fill out the form by ticking the items: (1) Assignment of the tax code.

The service is free.


  • SPID (Public System for Digital Identity);
  • The CNS (National Services Card “)
  • ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator).



  • The Consulate does not issue plasticized cards but a Certificate of Attribution which is a paper form containing a bar code for optical reading, and with functions of use equivalent to those of the plastic card.
  • The plastic card is issued by the Revenue Agency and is sent by post to the Consular Office, which completes the application procedure.
  • For most tax transactions it is not necessary to have a plastic card.
  • The only valid tax code is the one issued by the Revenue Agency (abroad, through the Consulates).
  • No external party is authorized to produce software programs for the calculation of the code and to print the card.
  • Note that the use for illegal purposes of a fictitious tax code or one not assigned by the Ministry of Finance is severely punished by law.


For any other information relating to tax matters, visit the following web site: