Minors may travel only with their own passports, separate from their parents’ passports.
The issue of passports to minors always requires the consent of both parents.
In addition, it is mandatory that, at the time of passport application, the minor’s birth certificate, if born abroad, has already been registered in the parent’s municipality of residence or AIRE.
Otherwise, before applying for a passport for the minor, parents must request the Consular Office to transmit the birth certificate to the municipality of residence in Italy (birth).
The appointment for passport issuance can be booked through the online platform prenot@mi (piattaforma online prenot@mi).
Passport for minors (at the request of the parent or legal guardian):
Required documentation:
- application form signed by both parents;
- previous passport or, if it is a first passport, an Italian identity document (ID) or foreign passport, with photo and signature. If the passport has been lost/stolen, a copy of the report must be filed with the competent Lebanese authorities at the alleged place of theft/loss of the document;
- In case a parent cannot sign the application from, his/her written affidavit of consent along with his/her signature and photo ID (also photocopy). The act of assent is also required if the parents are not married or if they are separated or divorced. If one of the parents is not a citizen of one of the member countries of the European Union, the application form must be signed in the presence of the Consulate official upon presentation of an identity document. If one of the parents is deceased, a copy of the death certificate must be submitted. The law does not allow exceptions to the act of consent. In the absence of the other parent’s affidavit, upon formal request by either party, a request may be made to the Head of the Consular Registry for the issuance of a consular decree in his capacity of a tutelary judge. If the minor resides in Italy, the competent court is the Juvenile Court of his/her place of residence; if the minor resides in Lebanon, the competent authority is the Italian Embassy in Lebanon.
- two (2) photographs compliant with ICAO standards: https://www.poliziadistato.it/statics/10/fotografia_passaporto_web.pdf;
Unaccompanied minors under the age of 14 years of age
Italian minors up to 14 years of age may travel abroad only if accompanied by at least one of their parents. He or she may travel accompanied by different persons only if authorised by the parents themselves through a travel consent, which must be stamped by the Consular Representation (abroad) or the Questura (in Italy).
The declaration of accompaniment must always clearly indicate the name and references of the person, entity or transport company to whom the child is entrusted for the trip.
Parents must sign the declaration of accompaniment by personally going to the Consular Chancellery (Consular Office) of the Italian Embassy in Beirut with an identity document.
Some important aspects:
- the declaration of accompaniment is limited to one journey (round trip) from the child’s country of residence with a specified destination and may not normally exceed a maximum period of six months;
- the parents or the legal guardians may indicate up to a maximum of two accompanying persons, who will, however, be alternative to each other;
- in the event that the minor is entrusted to an institution or transportation company, it is suggested that before purchasing the airline‘s ticket, you should verify that the company agrees that the minor is entrusted to it.
Required documents:
- Application form signed by both parents or one of them with the other parent’s application issued separately. If one of the parents is not a citizen of one of the member countries of the European Union, the application form should be signed in the presence of the Consulate official upon presentation of an ID;
- the parents’ passports or other identity document showing photo and signature;
- two (2) photographs compliant with ICAO standards : https://www.poliziadistato.it/statics/10/fotografia_passaporto_web.pdf;
- the minor’s previous passport (original) or other identity document if he/she has it.
In the absence of the other parent’s consent, it will be necessary to request the Head of the Consular Office to issue a consular decree in his capacity of a tutelary judge, upon formal request by either party.